Last Updated: Sep 19, 2023     Views: 194

1. If ArcGIS Pro is not signed in to a named user account when you launch the app, you can select the sign-in link in the top right-hand corner. 


Screenshot of sign in link

2. If you have authorized your ArcGIS Online account with your CAS/SSO credentials you will need to login via the CAS/SSO portal for Claremont*. Chose the "Your ArcGIS Organization's URL" from the login window. 

Screenshot of login screen showing  how to select "choose your organizations url" option

3. You will then have to fill in the first part of the URL domain with "claremont" and click on the "Continue" button.


Screenshot of entering "Claremont" in the login url

4. You will then be sent to the portal login screen. Choose  "The Claremont Colleges: Central Authentication Service (SSO)."

Screenshot of single sign on selection screen


5. You will then be sent to the Claremont Colleges SSO/CAS (purple) login screen where you can use your usual Claremont credentials.


*If you have an older non-SSO login for ArcGIS you can enter your credentials directly in the box. Email if you need a password reset. 

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