Last Updated: Jul 18, 2023     Views: 145

Watch this short video to learn how to search for an article by title:


To look up an article by title, start from the library's website.

  • In quotation marks, type the title of the article you are searching for in the Library Search bar. You can select "Title" from the "As" drop-down menu for a more precise search:

In the Library Search bar on The Claremont Colleges website (, the far left box displays “Claudia Rankine's quest for racial dialogue" in quotes. The middle box shows “As: Title”. The far right box shows “In: Libraries Worldwide”.

  • If we have access to the article, you should see it high up in your results. You can either click on the title to see more information about it or click the "View Full Text" button to access the article online. 
  • If we do not own the article, you will not see availability options on the results page. Click on the title to get into the record. Scroll down to the "Get this Item" button in the "Check Availability" section. This button will bring you to a Resource Sharing form that lets you request items we do not own from other libraries. For additional information about this process, please see our FAQ: Where do I make a Resource Sharing/Interlibrary Loan Request?

Note, magazine companies sometimes publish content that is only available on their website. Libraries cannot provide access to these articles as they are not included in our subscription to the publication. 

If you are having trouble finding the magazine article you are looking for, ask a librarian

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