Last Updated: Jan 16, 2025     Views: 248

The elements of a citation for a primary source are as follows:

Author/Creator, Item Description, Item Genre, Item Location, Name of Collection, Name of Library, Location of Library

Using this template, here are three sample citation styles for Special Collections materials:


American Psychological Association (APA):

Twain, M. (1918, January 1). [Letter to George Wharton James].  Literary Manuscripts Collection, Special Collections (Box 1, Folder 16), The Claremont Colleges Library, Claremont, CA.


Modern Language Association (MLA):

Twain, Mark.  Letter to George Wharton James, 1 January 1918.  Literary Manuscripts Collection. Special Collections, The Claremont Colleges Library, Claremont, CA.


Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):

Mark Twain to George Wharton James, 1 January 1918, Box 1, Folder 16, Literary Manuscripts Collection, Special Collections, The Claremont Colleges Library.


If you are using books from Special Collections, cite them in the same manner as any other book. For help citing your sources, consult our Citation Help page.

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